Sunday, October 30, 2011

4th Grade Learning Outcomes

Welcome to my new blog! Below is a list of learning outcomes that I plan to explore during this course.

1.      Students will arrange a provided list of words in ABC (alphabetical order).

2.      Students will identify the subject and predicate in sentences.

3.      Students will recognize story elements such as character, plot, setting and theme in a story.

4.      Given a list of 10 words, identify their parts of speech with 80% accuracy.

More exciting and hopefully helpful information to come.

Test Items: Which Format to Choose?

There are many different types of test items.  As educators, we're probably faced with the decision of which type will work best for your students based on the lessons they've been taught. Here are a few sample test items that coincide with the above-mentioned learning outcomes. I have chosen four different formats, one being an essay item. Please take a look and think about which type test item works best for you.

Multiple Choice  (Learning Outcome #1)

Which of the following lists of words are in alphabetical order? Circle the correct answer.

A. puppy, produce, penny
B. arrange, artist, author
C. column, colander, calender
D. national, notion, neglect

Completion  (Learning Outcome #2)

Write S for subject or P for predicate for the underlined word or words.

____1. The boy ran quickly to win the race.

____2. My family likes to visit museums.

Matching  (Learning Outcome #4)

Draw a line to match the following words to the correct part of speech. 

  1. quickly                                                      
  2. swam                                                        
  3. family                                                          noun
  4. beautiful                                                      adjective
  5. we                                                              verb  
  6. teacher                                                       pronoun
  7. applaud                                                      adverb
  8. happily
  9. leap

Essay Item  (Learning Outcome #3)

Recall the story, "Mandie & Friends' Winter Adventures". Briefly discuss the three main character and how they met. Describe two places Mandie and her friends went during their travels.

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